Saturday, April 22, 2006

Everyone is more successful than me. I. Whatever.

Yesterday I went to take a look at one of those freelance-workspace thingees, where you rent a cubicle and force yourself to be in the company of other writers. The guy who ran it not only freelanced for a really good paper, not only had book contracts, not only had it together enough to run the workspace, but had also spent 5 months restoring the place himself, clearing the walls all the way down to the exposed brick and the floors down to the hardwood... floor.

Not only that, he told me a lot of people pay for the space and only use it, like, every other month.

Not only that, when I visited another place a week ago, the impresario there said everyone was working full-time on FICTION.

Who are these people? Where do they get their money? They work all day on novels? They never have to take a gig writing cell-phone horoscopes just to pay off their credit cards? They can work on fiction with that kind of concentration, without sitting back and yelling at the ceiling? (There was a hush in both places that made intensive care units seem boisterous.)

I'm the worst freelancer EVER.

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